Who is going to 11.000 vehicles to the police to deliver?

Who is going to 11.000 vehicles to the police to deliver?

Posted on 28-04-2015 at 15:58 by ricardo – 125 Responses”

Nee, niet Bugatti
The Dutch police have new wheels. The question is: what are the car brands (yes, plural) go there with the tender off and the logo is featured later on the police cars?

No one-brand strategy more

Because of the previous procurement of 13,000 number of company cars a meurende hint of corruption hung, on which the finger to the top of the National Police and importer PON was pointed out, the rules of the contract changed. As Opstelten at the time promised. The vehicles will no longer be on one brand come from, what the previous times still happened. Supposedly to the ‘recognition of the patrol cars to increase’. Right. Like logos and stripes are not enough.

One brand per type of vehicle

The search for roughly of 11,000 new vehicles (cars, vans and motorcycles) begins today. The duration of the tendering procedure until 1 July next year. It is also looking for new noodhulpvoertuigen, ME-vans, suvs and recherchebolides. What still is required, is that each vehicle is held to a brand. Police cars will soon be so still all Volkswagen, while the vans Ford be ordered. Or the other way around. Furthermore, there must be potential suppliers for participation before the actual procurement would begin, according to the ANP.

Meanwhile, runs the criminal investigation of corruption still, but a commission that is investigating the previous tender has already indicated that nothing onrechtmatigs is found. They keep it there only that the tendering procedure ‘for improvement’. A gevalletje glass-to-pee-so.

Fotocredit: tk97

