Ferrari schaakset costs the same as a second hand Fiat

Ferrari schaakset costs the same as a second hand Fiat

Posted on 25-08-2014 at 18:11 by ricardo – 16 Comments”

Ferrari schaakset kost evenveel als een tweedehands Fiat
Premium schaakspelletje, anyone?

We should here like to make jokes about the knick-knacks on offer from Ferrari, the Italians, the selling of gadgets with logos a its deadly serious source of income. In 2012, the department of licensing & merchandising, a solid 66 million dollars to the total turnover. Amounts that Ferrari not only with each other rakes with simple key rings or bordeelsluipers, are also the more expensive gadgets, such as foreign phones and this chess game of carbon fiber.

The 16 red and 16 black chess pieces are made of painted wood and take place on a chess board of wood, covered with carbon fiber and fiberglass and on the front with a metal Ferrari logo. The horse is, of course, modeled after the prancing tuber-symbol of the sportwagenbouwer. Something does no doubt very well on the V8 coffee table, next to the book about coffee tables.

Because Ferrari likes on multiple boards at the same time playing chess in terms of sources of income, is the price on a non-tender €1.488. And you bet that Luca di Moneyzemolo it’s going to catch.

Gallery: Ferrari Schaakset

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