Coupe drivers can’t spell, sedan-riders or

Coupe drivers can’t spell, sedan-riders or

Posted on 18-11-2013 at 11:11 by sir_smokalot – 57 Comments”

Nuff said
Since we all here love correct spelling, we have a nice little research for you: do you drive a brightly colored coupe, then bake your grammatical area is little, you have a sedan or minivan with automatic transmission, then you would simply put the Large Dictation can win.

Come to this conclusion website Grammarly, after studying 200 ads on a occasionsite. They watched the body style, color and transmission of the offer, and looked then to how lousy it spelled was, expressed in number of errors per 100 words.

Hatchbackrijders tensioning the crown by 13.9 mistakes, while people with a minivan, a very decent score of 1.4 errors drop. If you have a beige car driving game, you will also two times as good as someone with a blue car: 3,6 to 7,2 errors. And if you have a Lexus purchase, you get a bad English teacher.

Below, all superwetenschappelijke results compiled in an infographic. You may find yourself a little find in the picture that is sketched?

Photo: marketplace-Corsa

Grammarly spelanalyse

