Chief traffic police wants highway with a Vmax of 200 km/h

Chief traffic police wants highway with a Vmax of 200 km/h

Posted on 19-11-2013 at 20:10 by sir_smokalot – 33 Comments”

Hoho, da's te snel..
That’s the spirit! And such an idea can, of course, only from….Well? Where?

Understand, the Emirates, that we wanted to hear. During a press conference in Dubai yesterday asked major-general Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, the head of Dubais traffic police, an 8-lane ‘superhighway’ (in the pure sense of the word, not a glorified toll road) between the Emirates Abu Dhabi and Fujairah, only for powerful cars, and with a maximum speed of up to 200 km/h.

This project is currently being studied, and if the results are positive, and the private sector, quite a meelapt, then the plan becomes reality. Boss. They can have their potent police cars, also the legs stretch.

That we would also in the Netherlands should do, a exclusive anti-schraperssnelweg where you are with your 14% bijteller never never will, unless this is a P1 or 918. The idea behind it is clear: by all kinds of like-minded people together you can minimize the speed differences, and thus also the risk. According to experts, it is precisely the extreme speed differences (and lousy horseback riding) that the current traffic in the Emirates killing.

With thanks to the sports mode, for the tip!

