By July 1, you can fat traffic fines in instalments rags

By July 1, you can fat traffic fines in instalments rags

Posted on 29-04-2015 at 16:21 by MauritsH – 61 Comments”

Per 1 juli mag je vette verkeersboetes gespreid betalen
However, often in a hurry on the road, but tight on cash? TO shoot to your aid.

Today, secretary of state Dijkhoff (Security and Justice) to the Second Chamber reported that by 1 July will allow solid traffic fines (€ 225+) to pay in installments. Its predecessor Fredje Teeven was reportedly already planning to have this flexibility, but Dijkhoff has decided the cow above the bucket and performs the measure is already two months in. Revven with that Lambo!

The underlying idea is the meeting of people that their fines be wíllen pay, but that for financial reasons can not. They are so not on the extra costs to be hunted and are in this way also unnecessarily by the ‘hostage’.

It is expected that about 375,000 people per year, a proposal will get. Or are there also foreign speeding car drivers are unfortunately not yet known.

