’Tusk and Cameron agree on benefits’

mon 01 feb 2016, 00:07

’Tusk and Cameron agree on benefits’


Great Britain may a ,,the emergency brake” to use social benefits to citizens from other EU countries to refuse. Prime minister David Cameron and the president of the European council Donald Tusk, are the for this, according to cameron’s spokesman said Sunday agreed. He spoke of ” a significant breakthrough”. About the rest of the topics, they knew not to reach agreement.

Details are not yet published. Cameron and Tusk talk Monday further. ,,Still no deal. Intensive work in the next 24 hours are crucial,” Tusk after the end of the conversation, let us know via Twitter.

The negotiations revolve around the conditions that Cameron proposes to his country within the EU. He wants to next year, organise a referendum on the question of whether Britain should join remain of the union. For that time he wants to, however, many changes have been made.

If Cameron and Tusk appointments to make, then the support of the other 27 member states is required. On four policies, the British prime minister’s relationship with the EU change. The British want more grip on immigration and benefits for immigrants from other EU-countries, less Brussels rules for the business and guarantees that they will not be subordinated to the euro area countries.

The fourth point revolves around sovereignty: Cameron wants the general principle that EU countries more and more areas to collaborate, not more for his country. He has previously threatened that he may campaign for a Brexit”, a British exit from the EU if his demands not be met.

The claim about benefits is the most concrete. Cameron wants workers from other member states the first four years that they are in his country to exclude from social security benefits. Under current rules, can’t do that. EU countries are allowed, subject to conditions, social welfare refuse to people from other member states.

