“Senate fails to adjust oldtimerregeling”

“Senate fails to adjust oldtimerregeling”

Posted on 10-12-2013 at 9:15 by CasperH – 53 Comments”

Stichting Autobelangen biedt brandbrieven aan bij Eerste Kamer
The Foundation Autobelangen let by means of a press release know major doubts on the functioning of the First Room. Why they do not intervene if it appears that the intended belastingplannen for cars a backfire effect?

The task of the First Room and when there are significant changes to the legislation is simple: you have to see the quality of the legislation, in particular in terms of usefulness, necessity, feasibility and implications for stakeholders. Late mr. mark Rutte and the you explain, if you have the time and inclination to have almost 10 minutes of material from the NOS to look back.

The Foundation Autobelangen is of the opinion (and with them many others) that the heavier taxes on vintage cars (for environmental, boehoe) an adverse effect on the tax revenue. This is because, for many, the burden such an increase in taxation would mean that their classic of the way should make or sell. With the recent joining of D66, SGP and CU to the ruling coalition has now also a majority for the approval of the tax plan 2014 in the First Room. Previous conversations with the First Members of parliament were successful for the oldtimerlobby, but “By the formation of this narrow threatens our action on behalf of the oldtimerbezitters – which we now especially focus on the First Room – completely pointless to have become. And that while each member of parliament that we have spoken do agree with our statements.” according to the Foundation Autobelangen.

So the question is whether one -after the power shifting – in the First Room still sensitive to the arguments of the oldtimerlobby. The Foundation Autobelangen (that is to say, over 30,000 oldtimerbezitters represents) has, therefore, an open letter, letters of victims and the dossier Exemption Oldtimer bundled and offered to the First Room offered this morning.

That the belastingverzwaring not the intended revenues will pick up seems to be a certainty, but that one in The Hague has no sense to have the plans yet to adapt seems to be at least as sure. Perhaps the question of the function of the senate is a clear signal? To be endlessly continued, I am afraid.

