Motorist further exhausted due to pension

Motorist further exhausted due to pension

Posted on 10-12-2013 at 7:41 am by CasperH – 46 Comments”

Graaiers gaan graaien
The pensioenoverleg between the coalition and the opposition is already a week still. But fortunately, we can always have the driver continue to squeeze.

There is expected to be a gap of 400 to 500 million in the pensioenbegroting because the so-called “accrual rate” that you wanted to introduce the pensions by the First Room was rejected. And so there must be a other solution be found for the gap that ageing is caused.

Now it was up to now always the case that minister Dijsselbloem and his comrades, the solution is sought within the pension records, but because they are now not come out, again, to rely on the hard zekerheidje: the motorist. To the pension to fill is reportedly spoken about the increase of the BPM, the aanschafbelasting on cars in the Netherlands. And you can again do nothing against, even in Belgium are going to live has no meaning.

Major culprit in the story appears, incidentally, the Christian Union, which is heavily committed to a higher accrual rate for pensions. Toyota, do you get the dairy cows already stable?

