Just really: Porsche Beetle Five Nine

Just really: Porsche Beetle Five Nine

Posted on 28-05-2015 at 11:01 by MauritsH – 32 Comments”

Net echt: Porsche Kever Vijf Negen
Not everyone can afford a Porsche 959 afford, moreover, they are quite rare. Fortunately, the old Beetle solace.

Volkswagen and Porsche are pretty much from the beginning of time are inextricably linked, and how can you do that better than with a Porsche Beetle Five Nine. Of course, approaches the legendary 959 (driving test!) not even a little bit, but fun.

It comes here to the Cintra 959, a Brazilian conversion kit that actually so on the mini-911 can be screwed. The kit included next to the panels is also a 1.8 turbomotorje, what the whole course is still a bit more interesting. Unfortunately, there are but three instances of built.

Cintra 959

