Health risks of particulate larger than thought

Health risks of particulate larger than thought

Posted on 09-12-2013 at 9:18 by sir_smokalot – 64 Comments”

Bah, indeed. Met je fijnstofkanon
Particulate matter is fast becoming our new public enemy number one. You don’t see it, but it kills you. According to a large new study is also long-term exposure to particulate at low concentrations life-threatening.

For particulate matter applies a European standard of 25 micrograms per cubic meter, but chronic exposure to values that are (much) lower than that shows particulate matter deadlier than thought, reports Trouw. This is not just a research in which Annie Derksen Vlaardingen what things from the internet together looking and sounding the alarm goes, but thorough research of researchers from thirteen European countries, their findings today in The Lancet publish.

Not only is almost all cars emit particulate matter, also (metal)industry, farms, power plants, homes, and smokers, and they contribute to the particulate matter emissions. In particular, the Netherlands is very dirty, Patrick.

What can we do about it?

Now we know that presence to us, apparently all of them slowly but surely death to kill, is a logical follow-up question: what are we going to do? The most efficient measure would be to move to the Mongolian steppe on the uplands of Bhutan. The industry of these countries is non-existent and the population is low. Ergo: it is a paradise of low fijnstofconcentraties. A lot of fine dust there, as the parking lot of Milieudefensie full of V12’s here: unlikely.

We can, however, imagine that you have a lack of appetite, every day with your V40 D2 R-Design of the perifierie of Ulaan Batar to Zaandam to commuters, so as a realistic option, this falls rapidly. 80 drive on the ring roads is a close second, and luckily milieuclubs busy in your own interest to the legislature by the throat to push.

In addition, I would not really know. Where industry, particulate matter, and where people are close to each other, life is still more particulates. I am not so worry about this, but if you’re on your 40th with longenfyseem have encountered because of particulate matter you decades with small messteekjes edits squeaky you might otherwise be. Perhaps the researchers a longfilter that in your larynx, and every so often refreshed? Do you have any ideas perhaps?

