‘Gbagbo tried to understand peace’

mon 01 feb 2016, 15:05

‘Gbagbo tried to understand peace’


Ex-president of Ivory coast Laurent Gbagbo tried to, in 2010, his country just to protect a civil war. That has Gbagbo’s lawyer on Monday argued at the International criminal Court in The Hague. Gbagbo is going to be there for the cause of the violence after the 2010 elections broke out.

Gbagbo is according to his lawyer, the victim of the interference of the former colonial overheerser France. The president was at peace. ,,Laurent Gbagbo was looking for constant solutions to the violence after the elections, such as his proposal to have the votes re-count,” said Gbagbo’s lawyer Jennifer Naouri. ,,Ouattara voted not in”, said the lawyer in a reference to the current president, Alassane Ouattara.

According to Naouri give the prosecutors of the ICC, a highly selective voorspiegeling of the recent history in côte d’ivoire. Crimes committed by Ouattara by the prosecutors ignored, said Naouri.

Gbagbo is accused of being after the elections, his followers have turned to rape and murder. Three thousand people came to life.

