British PISWOEST to sexy advertising campaign with the bus company

British PISWOEST to sexy advertising campaign with the bus company

Posted on 12-05-2015 at 8:25 by sir_smokalot – 25 Comments”

Da's een koopje
Imagine: you drive unsuspectingly your daily round through the city, and in a time you are confronted with the image on the back of this bus. What’s going on than through you?

In the case of a number of inhabitants of the Cardiff (Wales), this was not much good. After watching the ad text with a double bottom, took them to their digital hooivorken and pulled on the sociaalmediaas the battle against this form of advertising (Loud noises!). This fell, inevitably, the terms ‘rape culture‘ and ‘objectifying‘, and, of course, also came the trolls under their bridges away. Actually a mundane day of internet so.

But to be honest: the bus company chose not only to women in the campaign images, who are more attracted by men also came to her/his draw. ‘Came’ indeed, because the negative responses were sufficient for the campaign to blow up and raced to the images of the buses to remove, as in this statement to read.


De campagne is in ieder geval niet seksistisch

