Video: Audi disst Lexus, BMW and Mercedes

Video: Audi disst Lexus, BMW and Mercedes

Posted on 27-12-2013 at 19:51 by maru – 64 Comments”

Each one a little tease by means of commercials is nothing new, so Audi decided to but a good tackle and the competition a thick finger in their Super Bowl spot.

The all-new A3 sedan coming early next year, the American dealers roll in, just in time for millions of viewers to excite during the reclameonderbrekingen of the annual footballfinale in February. Manufacturers pull out all the stops to be the best, funniest and above all the most memorable spots on the tube, because here, deserves to be!

To be sure, the comments on the videos already online scanned. Audi’s message is simple: the A3 is the best premium car. Who in any other luxury sedan, get a BMW, Lexus or Mercedes should be ashamed.

The psas call for you not to be swayed to the wrong car, but patiently waiting. If you prefer the taxi than you mothers a lift and you say your job because your company car a Mercedes is. A father with the wise counsel to not just put in any random car, because there you will regret it, as others can testify.

Valid arguments or is it really exaggerated? Watch the long advertising HERE on Autojunk. The characters do each have their own, more detailed story: the wise father, the anonymous speaker and an adulterous woman.

