This happens if you Japanese a BMW i3 gives

This happens if you Japanese a BMW i3 gives

Posted on 07-10-2014 at 18:45 by sir_smokalot – 21 Comments”

Not only is the Type 2/CCS-charger port out in favor of such a bulky ChaDeMo-thing, there are also some ‘subtle’ modifications to the exterior effect.

We know it, BMW’s i3 is not mothers finest, but if you can get that solves the problem by putting a bodykit on to the screws where the bogeyman is still screaming of rush off? ‘Absolutely!’ is the answer of the Japanese Eve.Ryn, that deals with all things BMW.

The lead designer struck first with a bottle of Sake back, looked then to a typical Japanese film full of eels and octopuses, kotste then his drawing board, and was mentally ready to have something creative of the i3.

The result, the Evo i3, which is much further than Lumma’s attempt, you can see in the gallery below.

Gallery: Eve Ryn BMW i3

image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-001.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-002.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-003.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-004.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-005.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-006.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-007.jpg
image BMW-i3-EVe-Ryn-008.jpg

