Research: we make our cars less often to maintain

Research: we make our cars less often to maintain

Posted on 04-06-2015 17:20 by MauritsH – 46 Comments”

Onderzoek: we laten onze auto's minder vaak onderhouden
But the satisfaction is it mustache.

The number of onderhoudsmomenten about 2014 decreased compared to the previous year by 4.5%, to a total of 13.4 million. The turnover shrank by 5.9% a little harder, to reach a total of 3.2 billion euro. And that while we don’t even more and may tinker!

The onderhoudsmomenten of more than 4,000 cars were tracked, from which it appeared that the cars two times per year were maintained or repaired. In 2013 and 2012 was 2,1 times per year.

Due to the decline longer maintenance intervals, less strict mot rules for young cars that run on petrol and, apparently, a higher overall reliability. The maintenance costs also fell, but the average repair was a little more expensive.

What satisfaction concerns were franchised dealers and independent companies a plus of 91% to 93%, fastfitters went precisely the other way around from 94% to 91%. Figures come from the Bovag-RAI, Aftersales Monitor.

