How this 458 Special with crowdfunding is patched

How this 458 Special with crowdfunding is patched

Posted on 01-07-2015 at 7:51 by MauritsH – 43 Comments”

Gecrashte 458 Speciale
A Ferrari owner that goes trough his thoroughbred back in order to be able to make? Da’s new for us. Yet, this is a nice idea.

The brokkenpiloot, we assume the owner, drove his 458 Special in the mash on the famous Nordschleife. According to experts, the damage range of 210,000 euros, which the financial point of view, so not very interesting to the Italian on the market.

Yet that is exactly what the owner wants, but for this he needed money, and this is done through crowdfunding. Participants may, by the transfer of an amount a photo, however, submit that on the Ferrari need to be printed. Please note: holiday photos of your overweight neighbor in the backyard to lie may not be the most other.


The space costs $ 3.99 per cm2, the owner hopes about 50,000 compassionate petrolheads to find a little money. Ultimately, this should result in a unique artcar that merry about the ‘Ring can be flamed.

*BONUS* who participates makes it a chance for a month in the Ferrari to drive if the thing is indeed fixed! Gasoline and insurance are included, the only thing that you need is a driver’s license. Sounds too good to be true? Perhaps it is that also. The month of Ferrari-driving will only be raffled off at the 50,000+ participants.

What ‘artwork’ in the meantime, all is uploaded, check on the site of the project, we refer only to Jan Lammers which, for more than 10 years ago with the great blokjesauto to Le Mans.

The moment just after the crash:

Gallery: Ferrari 458 Special crowdfunding

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