German guy in a Lamborghini trying to pick up, this is the end

German guy in a Lamborghini trying to pick up, this is the end

Posted on 25-06-2015 at 12:02 by ricardo – 32 Comments”

Duitser in Lamborghini probeert in te halen, dit is de afloop
Have a summary in the corners. Sometimes it is pretty important.

Who goes on the road with a car that is 700 hp houses do, as well as for a racecursus/-license to pick up. Simple. Because even though they are hp’s neatly divided on four wheels with wide rubber, as with the Aventador, uphill overtaking in a bend to the right without an overview is just not very smart.

A 54-year-old man from Germany did it last Tuesday on a mountain in Furtwangen. He had stumbled during the overtaking of a BMW at an oncoming Opel Corsa that could not be avoided. He tried it by abruptly to the right, where the BMW was getoucheerd, but cracked nonetheless full on (under?) the Opeltje, who therefore on his roof landed.

The Lamborghini itself ended up under the guardrail. Both the 32-jarie woman in the Opel as the two occupants of the Lamborghini were with injuries disposed. The Opel is clearly written off, The Aventador seems to us to be still reparabel.

Duitser in Lamborghini probeert in te halen, dit is de afloop

Fotocredit: polizei

