Car sales in H1 2015: modest [ + ]

Car sales in H1 2015: modest [ + ]

Posted on 01-07-2015 at 9:29 by MauritsH – 13 Comments”

Autoverkoop in H1 2015: bescheiden plusje
The sale of new cars was earlier this year in a dip, but with a strong month of June, yet still has everything on his legs.

Last month, knew dealers, but preferably 36.999 cars to sell, where there last year in the same period 32.699 were a solid plus of 13.2%. This is the dip from earlier this year than in the past. Moreover, it seems the market is picking up again after a lean 2014.

In total, in H1 201.582 cars were sold, compared to 198.959 units in H1 2014. And so we’re still on a plus of 1.3%. Aumacon, also responsible for these figures, it is expected that this year a total of 390.000 cars will be sold. In the last months of 2015, we can also run expect on models that tax now is still relatively inexpensive.

Who were the winners?

Little that is new under the sun in regards to the brands that scored the best in June, we put them for you below.

  • 1. Volkswagen, 3.974 cars, market share of 10.7%
  • 2. Opel, 2.994 cars, market share of 8.1%
  • 3. Peugeot, 2.876 cars, market share of 7.8%
  • 4. Renault, 2.716 cars, market share of 7.3%
  • 5. Ford, 2.338 cars, market share 6,3%

For H1 2015 see the numbers as follows:

  • 1. Volkswagen, 25.410 cars, market share of 12.6%
  • 2. Renault, 17.359 cars, market share of 8.6%
  • 3. Peugeot, 16.077 cars, market share 8%
  • 4. Opel, 12.741 cars, market share 6,3%
  • 5. Ford, 12.074 cars, market share 6%

Photo: two big Germans, via Autojunk

