Video: take a look at Iran’s only car museum

Video: take a look at Iran’s only car museum

Posted on 09-01-2014 at 15:10 by sir_smokalot – 5 Comments”

1930 Pierce-Arrow Iran
Through this fototopic gave you all a peek into the somewhat weggestopte car museum of Iran, today we do it as an encore, a video with commentary.

The original owner of this automotive treat, the ousted the last Shah of Persia, by the Islamic Revolution of 1979 not his whole life of his opulent fleet can enjoy. In the meantime, the Iranians decided his wealth, but with the people to share.

Weekend Warrior took with a camera a look in the museum, the video that they made you see below (mirror). More Oriental autoverzamelingen? Also, Check out the museum of Kuwait:

