Autoblog wish you a happy new year!

Autoblog wish you a happy new year!

Posted on 01-01-2016 at 0:01 by MauritsH – 45 Comments”

Autoblog wenst je een gelukkig nieuwjaar!
We have also had.

2015 is already behind us, and what was the a autojaar. We have everything all tidy for you in a row, so that we go no further uitkauwen. It is interesting to look ahead to the future, but also for car us with a flûte champoepel in one hand and a haffel lawinepijlen in the other not now. That comes later.

Nothing of all that, we wish you simply a nice and healthy 2016 with a lot of automotive and other highlights. Keep reaguren, weescht critical, and I am a little bit of love for each other. Now quickly to the outside, reportedly has @Autoblogger again a stunner of a doorlontproject ready to the street in flames. Cheers!

Photo: gemaskerdemuchaco, found on Autojunk

