These are the pechwegen of 2015

These are the pechwegen of 2015

Posted on 31-12-2015 at 16:52 by MauritsH – 4 Comments”

Dit is de pechweg van 2015
Which highways you will be able to insert better a cross save?

Yes, it is the A13, which this year once again with the bowl to go home. Acid for people who regularly on this piece of asphalt to go, but surprisingly it may not. Something with ongeluksgetallen enzo. On places two and three we find the A10 around Amsterdam and the A16 from Rotterdam to the Belgian border. Whom so soon as a few thick hits with our southern neighbors had hoped to save, just beaches with a smoking car.

Coming back to the A13: there were, according to Route Mobile in the past year and up to three times more breakdowns than on your average Dutch highway. The A10 record with 2.7 times as many breakdowns than average, the A16, with 2x as much as panne’s not much better. Incidentally, the figure for the winner of this year not completely fall out of the sky, there is also one of the busiest highways of the Netherlands.

Still an open door: on provincial roads were less breakdowns, because they drive fewer cars. On the A65 and the A326 is no breakdown in the past year. Furthermore, you can with peace of mind, the A31, the A35 and the A77 is unsafe. These roads were the “best” in terms of the number pechsituaties. For perspective: only 10% of the pechsituaties took place on the highway, the rest in or just outside the city and dorpsgrenzen.

Photo via Rijkswaterstaat

