The 5 best smart watches 2015

5. LG Watch Urbane LTE

LG Watch Urbane
LG Watch Urbane LTE

This watch impressed us more at MWC at the beginning of 2015. LG has launched this year, two timepieces, but the usual Urbane (review) are running Android Wear and differ from competitors is that design. But the version with the SIM card and open operating system LG Wearable (based on WebOS, which used to belong to Palm and HP) seemed pretty interesting.

LG Watch Urbane LTE на руке
LG Watch Urbane LTE at hand

Operating system compatible with Android Wear, so apps from Google Play for this model. Watch protected from moisture and dust standard IP67, swim in them is not forbidden. There is a built in heart rate monitor, gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS, barometer, in short everything you need for meticulous tracking of activity. In Russia the LTE version of Urbane isn’t on sale yet, but even in Korea openly watch the roads — they cost 650 000 Korean background, that is more than 40 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate.

Приложения в LG Watch Urbane LTE Приложения в LG Watch Urbane LTE App the LG Watch Urbane LTE

4. Samsung Gear S2

Samsung Gear S2
Samsung Gear S2

Samsung also went his own way — by Android Wear and released a smart watch Gear S2 (the review) with a circular display and an unusual control: using the bezel, then there is a rotating bezel around the “dial”. To Samsung this smart watch never been done. Operating system made there platform Tizen, which many managed to bury.

Samsung Gear S2 с безелем на руке
Samsung Gear S2 of the bezel on the hand

The gadget looks like a normal watch, at least in sports, at least in the classical version. To hand them visually difficult to distinguish from analog chronometer. S2 Gear working with any phone on Android, but fully disclosed they can only connect to Samsung smartphone. This applies, for example, voice control S Voice.

Спортивная версия Samsung Gear S2
Conventional (relatively “sporty”) version of the Samsung Gear S2

3. Apple Watch

Apple Watch
Apple Watch

It would be strange if this watch does not hit the top five, but to the first place they fall short. Did not meet expectations. No, it is a great device, beautiful, stylish and functional. But even the staunchest Apple fans are not going to use Watch (review) in daily life or have tried and abandoned them. With the Apple Watch still have to constantly take your iPhone out of your pocket to read the entire letter or to respond to call — in General, to perfection is still far. Colleagues from TechCrunch perfectly illustrated the result of two months of testing.

Apple Watch после 2 месяцев использования
Apple Watch after 2 months of use

The main element here was the crown (but the bezel is still better!). Like the other watches on the market, Watch show the exact time, display notifications about new mails and messages. Have access to Passbook, and voice control using Siri, and there is also support Apple Pay (to Russia this payment service has not yet arrived).

Apple Watch без ремешка

Apple Watch without strap Пульсометр Apple Watch

Heart Rate Monitor Apple Watch

But for that accessory released miriady straps. If you buy all, then a couple of years you can walk each day with a new bracelet and never be repeated. Apple from his watch once again confirmed that can do interesting device, but for some reason now some magic happened. However, it is a great gadget which features all the modern technologies and if you have an iPhone, it even doesn’t appear the question of what a smart watch to take. To start, just have to decide whether you need them.

Apple Watch на руке
Apple Watch on the hand

2. Pebble Time

Pebble started as a small startup that was trying to raise money on Kickstarter (in 2012 this month received $ 10.3 million), and now this is a real business, which every year are waiting for something new. In 2015 Pebble shocked (in a good way) the public clock on the basis of color electronic paper, which was called Time. In addition to this innovation, there appeared a microphone, and a slimmer body, 20% less than the original watch. Redesigned interface and operating system, will have to get used again.

Pebble Time
Pebble Time

The main advantage of using e-ink display is to save energy (and hours of space for a big battery just no). Pebble Time work without recharging up to 7 days, the casing is protected from moisture and dust, and the screen is covered with Gorilla glass. Watch can work with both Android and iOS, but in the latter case, their functionality is severely limited.

Although at the beginning of the Pebble watch could be interesting only to geeks, but now those same geeks have already written hundreds and thousands of programs that can be used by normal ordinary people.

1. Moto 360 Sport

Второе поколение часов Moto 360
The second generation of Moto 360 hours

In the first place in our hit parade — watch Motorola new model Moto 360 Sport. The first Moto 360 watch become among the most popular in the world, and this despite the black segment at the bottom of the screen, and next the second generation. Sports version new hours is interesting because here have built a GPS module. If used to record a route while Jogging on the street had to carry a phone, but now it is safe to leave the house wearing only a watch. And when you consider that Android Wear and allows you to write music in his own memory, no music player is also not necessary — only Sport Moto 360 and a Bluetooth headset.

Moto 360 Sport
Moto 360 Sport

This watch got a good design, they have steel case, but he was trapped in the silicone case with wrist strap, so that nothing accidentally crashed. Technical characteristics are the same as most watches sold today are smart: Qualcomm Snapdragon 400, 4GB storage and 512 MB of RAM. But the battery was more — 400 mAh should be enough for at least a couple of light days. If the new Moto 360 can be safely called the most stylish clock of the year, the Moto 360 Sport take the title of most functional.

Although we gave the Moto 360 Sport first place in the selection of the best smart watches of 2015, you need to make a reservation: on sale model was made only on 18 December and in only two countries — France and the UK. The global launch is scheduled for the first days of 2016, and to Russia they should arrive by spring. But we believe that formally, the condition for participation is made, so that Sport Moto 360 is the best watch of 2015.

