Formula 1 cars are more and more moving rouwzuilen?

Formula 1 cars are more and more moving rouwzuilen?

Posted on 25-03-2014 at 14:45 by sir_smokalot – 25 Comments”

Lest we forget
The last time there seems to be at the F1 teams suddenly have a huge social engagement and colectieve mourning to play. A good thing, or is restraint in place?

There is, of course, the one and the other happened the last time: not in the last place Schumachers coma, but also this year it is 20 years ago that Ayrton Senna died in an accident. Both events are on different racebolides commemorated, through a hashtagtekst #keepfightingmichael on the Mercedes W05 and a new Senna logo on the nose of the Williams, for example (since Senna’s death, the ‘double S’ is already on the nose, this is a new design).

The upcoming weekend is the Grand Prix of Malaysia was held, and so thought the Mercedes was a good idea to with the victims of flight MH370 to live through again a hashtagtekst: #PrayForMH370. Not only is this since the developments of yesterday, of what wry, as there is little more to pray for the flight which is almost certainly at the bottom of the ocean, you can also ask yourself what such a statement at a sporting event look.

Of course, it is social engagement well, but the more you case-insensitive strings on cars paste, the more the message is diluted. Or is it just good that empty space for statements of support is used?

Update: Mercedes has let us know with the eye on the recent developments from the original text to change it to “TributetoMH370”. It was also announced today that grieving relatives from their Malaysian hotels are gebonjourd to make place for F1 personnel, that is reserved had.

