Highways inspectors may be a driver starting today, nothing

Highways inspectors may be a driver starting today, nothing

Posted on 02-02-2015 at 8:21 by sir_smokalot – 29 Comments”

From today, you can have not only a picture of police and military police, but should wegmisbruikers also be aware of their friends – highways inspectors of Rijkswaterstaat, which is a coupon book.

By way of experiment, eight highways inspectors of Rijkswaterstaat in the area of Rotterdam the BOA status (Particularly Opsporingsambtenaar), reports BNR. This means that they own flaps out can write for the misconduct ‘to ignore a red cross ” and ” parking on the hard shoulder’, both fines which are not tender.

I applaud the experiment. Highways inspectors are the ones who day-in and day-out with their feet in the mud, and also those who have the clap, catch it if you read a half-sole with a red cross believes to be ignore. I think they’re responsible enough to have this new power is not to their head do rise.

Last year, 21 cars of the Rws hit by motorists that a red cross ignored, compared to 14 in 2013.

