Safely Experience Being Shot out of a Cannon With a GoPro Cannonball

Safely Experience Being Shot out of a Cannon With a GoPro Cannonball

Daredevil isn’t exactly a popular career choice, but the folks from Eclectical Engineering came up with a novel way to experience what it’s like to be shot out of a cannon, without risking your life or requiring you to join a traveling circus.

Safely Experience Being Shot out of a Cannon With a GoPro Cannonball

Taking advantage of the extremely compact form factor of the GoPro Hero4 Session, the duo first built an air-powered cannon, and then a 3D-printed cannonball that holds the tiny GoPro inside so that it can record the projectile’s flight path after launch.

Even with a pair of stabilizing fins that pop-out after it leaves the cannon, the cannonball still ends up spinning along its trajectory as it flies through the air. The dizzying footage provides a decent approximation of what it must be like to be fired out of a cannon. There’s no reason to ever have to try it for yourself in real life—so you can go ahead and cross that one off you bucket list right now.

[Eclectical Engineering via Technabob]


