Ferrari 458 Special by cokehoofd demolished

Ferrari 458 Special by cokehoofd demolished

Posted on 28-12-2015 at 14:09 by CasperH – 8 Comments”

Ferrari 458 Speciale naar de gatver
You sit to eat, someone comes to tell you that your Ferrari 458 Special just broken, is driven.

It happened Steve Goldfield last night in Los Angeles. Goldfield is a fanatical participant of the Gumball 3000 and earns his money as a film producer and vastgoedhandelaar. Not someone where you have a lot of compassion with the need to have so, but yet, we now have a little guy to do.

For you gives no one his Ferrari 458 Special to pieces is driven while it is just parked along the road. The woman who caused the crash was under the influence of cocaine. She was so of the world that the police her with a taser had to turn it off.

The damage of the Special is great. The car’s left rear hit, but also with the front, ride side wrong against a concrete pillar. Goldfield still don’t know if the car can be made, but dreams right out loud about a F12 Tour de France. What I already said: maybe we don’t need so much pity for the man.

Gallery: Ferrari 458 Special crash Goldfield

image Ferrari-458-Speciale-crash-01.jpg
image Ferrari-458-Speciale-crash-02.jpg
image Ferrari-458-Speciale-crash-03.jpg

