Brit row as the first Pacific Ocean about

mon 28 dec 2015, 12:00

Brit row as the first Pacific Ocean about


The 53-year-old Briton John Beeden is the first person succeeded in non-stop, the Pacific Ocean to rowing. The trip started on June 1 in San Francisco and ended Monday after 209 days in the Australian Cairns. Beeden, who said that there are moments were that he thought not, saying that an average of 15 hours per day and was nowhere in between, on land.

John Beeden in zijn roeiboot...

John Beeden in his rowboat…
Photo: John Beeden

After the 6100 mile trip to Cairns in northeastern Australia tweette he: “Arrived at 10.00 am local time. Happy to back on land and a number of gingerbread cookies to eat.” He added “overwhelmed” by the “tremendous reception” he was prepared. Beeden: “Wow, it’s over. To be the first person to have that something on this scale achieved is truly incredible and I have not yet processed.”

The Sheffield-born Beeden, who is now living in Canada, saying that four years ago the Atlantic Ocean. He had hoped his voyage across the Pacific Ocean in less than 209 days to complete, but he was repeatedly hampered by bad weather.

