Meanwhile in Belgium: park your car on a grave

Meanwhile in Belgium: park your car on a grave

Posted on 22-12-2015:19: 40 by dizono – 33 Comments”

Kerkhof België
Shamelessly, those Belgians.

Where we are in our own country to worry about Audi Ssv that is half on the sidewalk, they are in Belgium to face many respectlozere foutparkeerders. In the bustling city of Ename had visitors from the local scene apparently allowed their cars to park in the cemetery. Not only neatly on the path, as often happened, says a dazed neighbor across HLN, but also just on the dig itself.

“Disrespectful, that do they certainly cannot,” says vessels (alderman) Carine Portois. There is copious searched for a solution. The deceased closer next to each other, and the vacant space to establish as the car park is a possibility, but it places a fence around the cemetery is no longer accessible for cars seems to be the preference to enjoy.

Thanks to our Belgian friend in Belgium being infiltrated by compatriot for the tip!

