From tomorrow you allowed 130 km/h on the A12 London-Reeuwijk

From tomorrow you allowed 130 km/h on the A12 London-Reeuwijk

Posted on 14-10-2015 at 15:16 by sir_smokalot – 33 Comments”

130 jongus
Hoppa, again, 22 miles of asphalt there where you 130.

Do you think, every time you get in the car and from Utrecht to Den Haag drive, not: ‘gosh, I did but one minute less time this route‘? Then you wish tomorrow be fulfilled: on the 22 km long route A12 De Meern-Reeuwijk, the Vmax increased from 120 to 130 km/h. This means that you so you do not 11 minutes, but 10 minutes and a few seconds on the piece of asphalt.

That seems to be marginal, but a row every day and you can grab 5 free to spend hours on an annual basis. Pure profit. (source: Rijkswaterstaat)

Photo: 130-and-a-bit in a SLS,

