Volvo: “our XC60 T6 delivers the most horsepower per euro

Volvo: “our XC60 T6 delivers the most horsepower per euro

Posted on 23-11-2015 at 9:51 by sir_smokalot – 30 Comments”

Volvo XC60 T6 AWD
Do you want to in 2016 the most bang for buck on your SUV? In the Sweden.

The manufacturer that is best in downsizing, which gets a good market positioning. This is now the reality on the Dutch car market. When the Volvo so I manage to 306 hp from a viercilindertje to squeeze (and there’s another rack in), who is on the bench nice and low CO2 uitblaft, then this motorization relatively low cost can be offered.

The XC60 T6 was always a guarantee for a nice roaring six-cylinder engine, but when the pretbelasting ensured that you have at least 81.695 euro for an XC60 T6 AWD with zespitter had aftikken came to Volvo in the gun. From model year 2016, there is a twin-charged Drive-E 2.0 in the cabin of the XC60 T6, an engine with turbo and supercharger, so that the lack of atmospheric torque to conceal. This AWD SUV is for 59.990 euros in the price list, as Momentum, that something small is equipped than the Summum (62.995 euro) and R-Design (65.185 euro).

Until BMW decides to have a heavier engine than the 25i (231 hp) in its new X1 is the XC60 T6 is the most powerful SUV for under 60k. The Swedes did something similar already with the XC90 T8, which for just under 80 mille over 400 hp supplies. For this money you get not more than four burners, but here we go in the future still more to go.

