Video: this Indian Fiat an accident still occur?

Video: this Indian Fiat an accident still occur?

Posted on 19-12-2014 at 14:05 by dizono – 15 Comments”

India achteruit rijden
Accident? What accident? Harpeet Devi has been driving backwards since his car 11 years ago, got stuck in reverse and he had no money for repair.

Of a prevented the gearbox is now no more, Harpeet built the gearbox even in order so that the four forward gears are now reverse speeds. That way he rides now for eleven years with his Fiat 1100 Padmini by India, with speeds up to 80 miles per hour.

Harpeet has his car changed, however, with a set of headlights on the back of his car and a siren that all other road users warns it of danger. The advertising on his car for his own achteruitrijschool, where he Indians helps to be better in the reverse. Nice for India, but driving in reverse is already decades a Dutch national pastime. My grass, my grass!

