This morning, the toughest morning rush hour this year

This morning, the toughest morning rush hour this year

Posted on 17-11-2015 at 10:22 by CasperH – 19 Comments”

Foto: Twitter VID
And it is still busy on the Dutch roads. Remarkable, partly because there is no cosh (u) of snow is come and watch.

There was this morning around 8:00 pm 527 km file, which is the busiest morning rush hour this year (February 5, 472 miles by snow) with ease is exceeded. And that while the weather conditions are not as bad as it was when.

Meanwhile the largest crowds disappeared, but in particular around the major cities are still long traffic jams. Total, there is still about 175 kilometres file found on the Dutch roads, partly because of a few accidents have occurred.

According to the Traffic Information Service fit the long traffic jams in the herfstprognose: on average were traffic jams all throughout the year longer than last year. Add to that the bad weather and it is harm in the Netherlands.

If you have somewhere to stand still: strength. In the meantime, we keep our hearts fixed for when the real winter weather is in our country, will report.

