By which the institute contributes to all 23 years of the same suit?

By which the institute contributes to all 23 years of the same suit?

Posted on 26-11-2015 at 13:35 by sir_smokalot – 25 Comments”

Bedenk de polygoon-stem er zelf maar bij
(A) Police
(B) The North Korean army
C) Breakdown
D) Salvation Army.

A uniform must from time to time be renewed, but nowhere are they clearly as timeless as our Wegenwachters. Since 23 years, they run in the same garb around (not literally, that would stink), which means that you last week with bad luck was helped in someone who is just as dressed as the Wegenwachter in 1992 back on the road to help with your Renault 5.

Starting next week, however, get the 900 Wegenwachters of the Netherlands, a new 14-part (!) dress according to the latest standards, especially with plenty of reflective surfaces, for visibility in the dark. We do not know whether there is now a nierprotector or kevlar vest, but given the recent violence against wegenwachters we should’t be surprised by this. Incidentally, this is only the fourth uniform since 1946.

Fashionistas who like the seam of the stocking want to know can go here.

Photo: so you were in 1946 by a wegenwachter helped. Screenshot from this awesome video, from a time that it is not yet in your mind, to breakdown to the right of your car.

Gallery: ANWB roadside assistance Uniform 2015

image Wegenwacht-2015-001.jpg
image Wegenwacht-2015-002.jpg
image Wegenwacht-2015-003.jpg

