Video: rappert T. I shows his autocollectie

Video: rappert T. I shows his autocollectie

Posted on 10-03-2014 at 19:27 by sir_smokalot – 24 Comments”

T.I. showt zijn wielen
That T. I. nice being able to talk we already knew, otherwise, he sold also not as much music. But do you know what all is in it’s fleet? No? Let him tell you.

T. I., that was not that one-hit wonder of Westside? Nope, that was T. Q. It is not easy with all those identical-sounding names; see in the Netherlands Leipe Mocro, ParaMocro and MocroManiac, but to love each other. What’s next? Parents that their children are Kwik, Kwek and Kwak? Or Tim and Tom?!

Anyway, Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. (33) it has reasonably made in the music industry, or he may do well as if. For the muziekpimps of Vevo does he explain what he is driving (with 4 wheels), all this topped with a good dose of southern swagger, he comes finally from Atlanta, also known as A-Town. In addition, he has a pair of glasses set up, so you know that it is in terms of depth.

The collection itself is not very surprising: among other things, a Ghost, a new Range, a Conti GTC, and a blubberdikke Grand Cherokee SRT pulling our eye over. Every now and then, let T. I. do not hinder by autokennis, but breeding that: he is driving a Rolls, and I Gilera. Quote du jour: Oh? Your Range Rover doesn’t have a refrigirator? That’s because it’s not an Autobiography. Oh snap!

With thanks to Thom for the tip!

