Russian transsexuals can now take the bus

Russian transsexuals can now take the bus

Posted on 09-01-2015 at 15:56 by mauritsh – 31 Comments”

Geen Russische Gallardo
Russia bans anyone with mental disorders from the road, and fall in the Paradise by the dashcam light many more people than you think.

You would not expect, but Russia is struggling with a fairly high number of annual fatalities. In 2012, demanded the traffic there, a staggering 28,000 or fatalities, or 55 deaths per 100,000 cars. That number is too high, and therefore has Premier Medvedev recently a government decree signed that anyone with a mental disorder doesn’t allow to be active in the movement to take part.

The concept of “mental disorder” in Russia is only slightly larger explained than you would expect, because it includes also, for example, transsexuals, hermaphroditic persons, fetishists, exhibitionists, voyeuristen, gamblers and kleptomanen. Oh yes, it is now also for people below 150 cm is allowed to use the car to tackle.

The Russian Professional Driver’s Union stands firmly behind the plan and think sincerely, that the safety benefits from tougher medical requirements. The union is, however, of the opinion that the regulations are not as strict for non-professional users. Can being, but according to us, the Russian government is better at other things focus as the road safety wants to take.

Professional practitioners are, of course, do not agree with the rule and believe that the law only more problems in the hand. People with mental health issues will be in the sequel after all, think twice, for they help look for it, because they run the risk that they their driver’s license may return. In addition, the psychiatrists that the concept of “mental disorder” is much too vague, and there is what concerns us, however, what to say.

Photo: rainbow Lambo from Malaysia

