Draft climate agreement submitted

sat, 12 dec 2015, 12:06

Draft climate agreement submitted


In the presence of the French president François Hollande has Saturday, the French Foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, the design for an international climate deal presented. Fabius is the president of the climate summit, and he called the text “ambitious and balanced”. According to Fabius, is the treaty that the warming of the earth must be limited to at most 2 degrees of realistic and therefore enforceable.

Photo: reuters

Hollande stressed that this convention is the first treaty on climate change is that all over the world will apply. He told the delegations that december 12 is not only historically, but a great day for the whole of humanity. “You have the opportunity to change the world, vote with this agreement, our fate is bound together by the climate change.”

The negotiators have in the night from Friday to Saturday, their work completed. The delegations of the participating countries should now agree. If possible, Saturday is still happening, according to Fabius, there is “a historical turning point”. The emotional and tired Fabius called his hearing for the agreement to choose for “our responsibility to history is enormous”.

Fabius said that the draft is based on a restriction of the warming to considerably below 2 degrees, maybe even one and a half degrees, but 2 degrees is the maximum.


The climate summit is on 30 november in the French capital started. The top would actually Friday are finalised, but the consultation is with a one day extended as there is still disagreement. According to Fabius, gives the final text, however, the positions and responsibilities of the participants. It is binding and compliance to the five years examined, said Fabius.

The treaty must ensure that everyone in the emissions of greenhouse gases reduces. To be effective, there are a lot of investment is needed. A controversial point is that in poor countries to finance. Rich countries would be 100 billion dollars (91 billion euros) to pay. According to Fabius, is that amount in the draft text as a basis from 2020 onwards.

