What lies here, crushed and burned to the ground?

What lies here, crushed and burned to the ground?

Posted on 09-12-2015 at 22:59 by rubenpriest – 26 Comments”

Maar wat is het?
Still very curious to know what is first in your mind.

No it was not an Aventador that the well-known trick in its neutral did. No, the burnt black piece of the car above was once a BMW i3.

The cause, however, is different than you might think. The family had what vuurwerkafval in the trash can in the barn geflikkerd. Here you can take a long time to discuss it, but this is just not smart. The package began to smolder and a fire was a fact. The i3 was nothing more about it, but the E90 3-series in the same garage was parked has its natural shape retained.

BMW E90 3-serie

It will, during the fire, not closer been in the barn. After the removal of the remnants, there were melted bits of carbon behind on the floor. This shows the big temperatures the area has had to endure at the time of the fire. Conclusion: vuurwerkafval please do not deposit in the domestic circle. But you knew that already, of course.


