This is the ISIS zelfmoordtruck of death

This is the ISIS zelfmoordtruck of death

Posted on 31-08-2015 to 14:45 by CasperH – 68 Comments”

ISIS terrortruck
The terrorists of ISIS use in Syria, the most bizarre vehicles to win the war. Such as this giant zelfmoordtruck that was used to attack an air base.

The base is probably a Belaz or Komatsu truck, once used for dams to be built in Syria. The truck was by terror group ISIS (or IS, or how that mafklappers themselves today, it is also allowed to call) to the airbase T4, approximately 55 km from Palmyra and in the hands of Al Assad, to attack. According to rumors, the truck is used and it has huge damage, but we can there is no confirmation of a find unfortunately.

ISIS seems to be more common to use trucks that are converted to suicide-weapons, but this is the most bizarre and large variety that we have over come. The truck is estimated to be about 10 metres long, 5 metres wide and 5 metres high. It is difficult to get clear what the exact vehicle is, but as I myself saw, I cared that I soon would be gone.

Through Foxtrotalpha.

