Scientist discovered an unknown space body located at the edge of the solar system

Thanks to the 1983 photographs, Astronomer was able to see a new space object in the 1983 photographs. It is assumed to be heavier than Earth and located several times farther than Pluto. More details – in the material “Life”. Discuss A scientist has discovered an unknown space body located at the edge of the solar system

At the beginning of the 20th century, a project was launched aimed at finding a certain planet X. As noted by the astronomer Percival Lowell, another planet (besides Neptune) should influence Uranus. This planet was assumed to be five times heavier than Earth and 45 times farther from the Sun than Earth. Later it turned out that the object is actually 40 times farther from the Sun. But about the mass, scientists could not find an answer for a long time.

Planet X was eventually found in 1983. However, a few years later, this discovery was denied. This was due to changes in the data on the planet: it turned out to be 0.5 lighter than previously thought, which can be compared with the mass of Mars. As a result, the researchers came to the conclusion that in fact everything is harmonious without another planet. In addition, astronomer Michael Rowan-Robinson of Imperial College London declared in 1991 that the named planet X did not exist at all.

A scientist has discovered an unknown space body located at the edge of the solar system

However, then in the 2000s, scientists began to discover various objects behind Neptune that have a mass similar to the mass of Pluto: these are Eris, Sedna, Haumea, Makemake, etc. And as a result, two questions arose: why these planets are far from the rest and why their orbits are elongated in one specific direction.

In 2016, researchers from the California Institute of Technology Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin suggested that all celestial bodies could be located in this way if there was a planet in ten times heavier than Earth. They also calculated the approximate size of the object: it turned out, according to scientists, something in between the Earth and Jupiter.

And after this announcement, Michael Rowan-Robinson decided to study the 1983 images again. This time, he discovered that they have at least three cosmic bodies that could be planet X. In addition, he suggested that there is one slowly moving object. Its dimensions are as follows: the radius is at least 1.5 times greater than that of the Earth, the mass is three to five times greater than the “blue planet”, the distance to it is 225 astronomical units, and the object's orbital period is 20 thousand years. p> Source: Life

