What technologies are being developed today to make a person immortal

There are four of them. For many years, mankind dreamed of the possibility of achieving immortality. And now steps have begun to be taken in this direction. About them – in the material on Habré. Discuss What technologies are being developed today to make a person immortal

Thanks to the advances in robotics and biophysics, people now have a chance to truly gain immortality. There are currently four technologies to do this.

  1. Gene therapy … Scientists have now discovered genes that can shorten and lengthen life expectancy. All such genes will be identified very soon. Trials related to rejuvenation itself and an increase in life expectancy are also successful: for example, a similar effect was achieved in mice. In addition, Elizabeth Parrish, CEO of BioViva, notes that she was able to “rejuvenate” her immune cells by 20 years in this way.
  1. Regenerative medicine … People tried to create new organs to replace the “worn out” ones back in the 20th century. However, all these projects turned out to be unsuccessful. As a result, it turned out that three-dimensional bioprinting can help solve the problem. Now there are a number of technologies for printing some organs: liver, heart, etc. Over time, scientists will learn how to create even a brain in this way.

 What technologies are being developed today to make a person immortal

  1. Nanomedicine . This technology makes it possible to “repair” this or that organ. For this, special nanobots are introduced into the body. Now in medicine, this is used to deliver drugs to the brain, determine blood sugar levels in diabetics, reconstruct bones, treat cancer, get rid of blood clots, and regenerate nerves. Purely theoretically, it will be possible to create such nanobots that will control the work of the genome and increase the lifespan of a person.
  1. Cyborgization . Now there are already various prostheses, analogs of various organs. Perhaps, very soon, such models will appear, the service life of which will be several decades. And after that, a completely artificial body can be created, where the brain will simply be transplanted.

The author also adds that gaining immortality will allow a person to successfully explore outer space.

Source: Habr

