Scientists: People with low intelligence believe in horoscopes

And there are more women among astrology fans. A team of scientists from Lund University in Sweden has studied how the level of intelligence and personality traits are related to belief in astrology. Discuss Scientists: People with low intelligence believe in horoscopes

Astrology does not seem to be losing its popularity. A 2018 study found that about 30% of American adults believe in horoscopes, and there were more women among them. Previous work has also demonstrated that the Big Five personality traits — openness, extraversion, and neuroticism — are positively correlated with belief in the paranormal. But consciousness turned out to be a personality trait least associated with pseudoscientific beliefs.

Researchers also wanted to know how narcissism and IQ are related to belief in astrology. They measured these rates in 264 English-speaking volunteers. Most of them were women between the ages of 25 and 34.

Research showed that daffodils were more likely to believe in horoscopes. So are people with low intelligence.

Source: PsychNewsDaily

