How to cheer up with nutrition

Nutritionist Albina Ermolenkova shared in an interview with the “360” TV channel information about how you can improve your mood through your diet. techlife/”class =” PfUsGslq “title =” How to cheer up with food “alt =” How to cheer up with food “How to cheer up with food />

So, according to the data doctor, you can ensure a good mood thanks to the correct three meals a day with two snacks. It will also help maintain blood sugar levels.

“Foods can affect mood. Scientists have found that just eating regularly can keep you in a good mood. The secret is that the body needs to maintain a certain level of sugar in the blood. With regular nutrition, this indicator is even and, accordingly, the body feels great, we feel a good mood, ”said the nutritionist.

Ermolenkova advised Russians to monitor their eating behavior. One negative habit that should definitely be abandoned is stress seizing.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.

