How to make artificial meat even more like the real

Today artificial meat become more popular (though still largely experimental) product supply. There are several companies that have quite successfully mastered the technology of production of artificial meat and even used it when creating patties for burgers. Recently this race has entered our countrymen. However, at the moment, artificial meat there is one problem — its texture is still far from ideal.

Artificial meat is becoming more and more like the real

Than artificial meat different from the natural

If you try to simplify the technology of production of artificial meat, you get something like this: scientists take muscle cells of animals and put them in a bioreactor capacity, which supports optimal conditions for the growth and reproduction of cells. In the lab you can grow arbitrarily large number of such cells, but the texture of the meat gives not only the cells themselves, but also the muscle fibers, around which they “accumulate”.

The real meat of animals is composed of a frame made of coarse fibers, therefore, meat and has its own properties. Something like scientists want to recreate in the laboratory, as the texture of the artificial meat still looks very unnatural.

According to the editors of the journal Nature, based on similar theses, scientists from the School of engineering and applied Sciences Harvard University used a process known as “rotary jet spinning” to create nanofibers from safe food gelatin. In fact it is a bio-printer that can “braid” of printed material. With the help of technology jet spinning, they created a thin fiber of food-grade gelatin, which serve as the replacement of the intercellular substance of this muscle and skeleton muscle cells.

See also: 2022 artificial meat will be cheaper usual

When the muscle cells of rabbits and cows were subsequently placed in a bioreactor with co-located artificial muscle fibers, these cells are entrenched in the fibers and begin to multiply, eventually forming a fibrous meat structure and texture is similar to that of real meat. How do you feel about artificial meat? Write about it in our chat in Telegram.

Artificial meat grown by scientists (top) and rabbit meat (bottom)

Mechanical tests confirmed that the obtained test-tube meat is very similar to the present. However, it is still not perfect. Scientists claim that in ordinary meat fibers are much more than what they did.

Although cultured and natural products had comparable texture, natural meats contain more muscle fibers, which means they were more Mature, says the study’s lead author, Harvard University doctor Luke McQueen. Maturation of muscle and fat cells in vitro is still a very big problem that will require a combination of innovative sources of stem cells recipes to create nourishing environments that develop edible scaffolds, such as ours, as well as advances in methods of improving bioreactors. Ultimately, we believe that it is possible to develop any kind of meat with any texture, taste and other characteristics.

In spite of big progress in the creation of artificial meat, scientists still have a lot of work. In particular, at the moment not quite comfortable the technology of production, as fiber and muscle cell need to grow separately, and then combine them in the bioreactor. If we manage to develop technology for the cultivation of all components of the “one-Chan”, then it will be a real breakthrough.

