Can the moon help in finding aliens

A few decades ago astronomers began to consider the ways in which it would be possible to extract from a program to colonize the moon the maximum benefit. In periwig is, of course, the construction of telescopes, because of the lack of atmosphere gamma, x-rays and other types of radiation will not be blocked by the atmospheric cover, and thus will allow more to explore the cosmos. But the absence of a lunar atmosphere and another plus: because of this, the satellite of our planet can be detected signs of extraterrestrial civilizations.

It is possible that on the moon a long time “waiting” for us the traces of extraterrestrial civilizations

Are there aliens on the moon?

A new article authored by Harvard University astrophysicists Abraham Loeb and Manasvi the Lingam, answers this question with a fair degree of optimism. However it is not really about the aliens. The idea is to consider the moon as a “fishing net” for interstellar objects that could easily fall on its surface for such a long period of existence of the satellite.

The lack of a lunar atmosphere ensures that these hypothetical objects reach the lunar surface without the fact that they are partially or completely burn up in the atmosphere, as is happening on the Ground. Furthermore, the lack of geological activity suggests that if the falling object has ever happened, he will remain on the surface and not “will go” into the bowels of the moon.

The moon is a natural Inbox, which had accumulated messages over the last few billion years. Now there’s even a life, listed with Land — frozen tardigrades. — scientists say

The moon keeps a lot of secrets

Of course, if you start exploring the lunar surface, it would appear that most of the materials came from our Solar System. But even if “in our lifetime” exceptions do happen, where is the guarantee that it was not before? For example, not so long ago we “flew” space object Omwamwi and comet Borisov. But even if we assume that something on the moon is still there, then how to find it? After all, equip the lunar expedition with this purpose very long and unnecessarily expensive. Make your guesses in our chat in Telegram.

See also: How the Moon affects humans?

The easiest way would be to use satellites, in orbit of the moon. Already have a pretty powerful and accurate scanners that can remotely show the relationship of various elements in the materials. We just need to basically enter the data the balance between organic and inorganic compounds in our solar system in these scanners. For example, the deviation from unique to our planet in the ratio of isotopes of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen indirectly will talk about that a found object may be of extraterrestrial origin.

Even more exciting would be to find traces of technological equipment, which crashed on the lunar surface billions of years ago, which is also possible, because of “our” moon is not so much. Therefore, the presence of inorganic objects at a great distance from famous places of disembarkation of people and falls of terrestrial objects could bring a lot of surprises.

