Man can smell with his tongue

Scientists have long proved that the human perception of flavor is the result of a complex interaction of odors in the nose and flavors perceived by the tongue. A new study has turned this knowledge of the human body from feet to head, because scientists have discovered in the language of man the same olfactory receptors that exist in the nose. Most interesting is that they function in the same way, that is to say that people can smell even your language.

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The influence of smell on taste probably noticed, each at a cold — blocked nose, the food loses much of its taste. The fact that gustatory and olfactory receptors are constantly working together to transmit information to the brain to merge it into a unified whole. New research proves that the transmission senses of smell are not only the receptors in the nose, and on the tongue.

Unexpected receptors on the tongue was discovered in the study of cell structures of mice and men. Imaging technology cell activity proved that they react to smells the same way that the olfactory receptors in the nose. The discovery raises many questions in relation to the human body — perhaps gustatory and olfactory receptors facilitate with the brain in a very different manner, and not, as previously thought.

To find out, the scientists intend to continue the study. Head of the research group Mehmet Hakan Ozdener assumes that new discoveries will create new flavor enhancers on the basis of odors. For example, they can give food a sweet taste, while it does not contain sugar. This will reduce the number of cases of diabetes and other problems associated with nutrition.

Recently, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has made another wonderful discovery, associated with the human body. It turned out that with a strong flu in the lungs of people can grow the taste buds, which cause further complications. Details about this discovery can be read in our material.

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