Created “smart” labels, feeding of the energy from the air

It seems that in the future there will be no subject that is not equipped with “smart” functions. If about 20 people were in awe of handheld computers, now they do not surprise you with “smart” clothing. Perhaps, though, some emotions will cause the invention of Wiliot — she has created a slim Bluetooth-chip which can be used as the label of the clothes sold. The creators already came up with a bunch of options for the use of unusual labels from the creation of recommendations for choosing clothing to protect against theft.

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The first thing you need to tell is an unusual way to power a tiny device. He doesn’t need a battery, because energy is drawn from the surrounding radio waves such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular signals. The company says that this energy is more than enough to communicate with external devices: chip can measure weight, temperature and determine a location to send that data to a smartphone, a washing machine and other equipment.

According to Steve Statler, Vice-President Wiliot marketing, with high-tech labels people can easily find lost or stolen items. Also clothing with a Bluetooth-module able to interact with a washing machine to ensure that it will not lose color due to improper washing mode. Smartphones will be able to keep track of what things are in the wardrobe and give the user the ability to choose the clothes without opening the Cabinet.

Of special interest to the device may occur at retailers. Not only that, they can get a tool for tracking the delivery status of the goods, and quickly learn about their lack of stock. If to think further, and there are more interesting ideas — the sellers will be able to track the best selling products and to use these data when creating your ads.

The company recently closed a round of financing of 30 million dollars, among the investors listed even Samsung and Amazon. At the moment the company is negotiating with interested in the technology manufacturers. The chip will be available to outside firms closer to 2020 when you will learn to encrypt this data and will be biodegradable.

What do you think about “smart” labels, have any concerns? Your opinion can be share in the comments or in our Telegram chat!

