Scientists have created a two-dimensional electron lattice kagome

Scientists from the University of Wollongong in collaboration with colleagues from the Chinese University Beihang, University Nankai and the Institute of physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have successfully created two-dimensional e-lattice kagome in the atomic scale with potential applications in electronics and quantum computing. The work of scientists was published in Science Advances. The kagome lattice is named after the traditional pattern of layering bamboo of triangular and hexagonal segments.

The scientists collected the kagome lattice, layering and twisting the two nano layer silicone. The silicene is donakowski fermionic material based on silicon with a thickness of one atom from the hexagonal honeycomb structure, through which electrons can travel at close to light speed.

However, when the silicene is twisted in the kagome lattice, the electrons become trapped and wandering in the hexagons of the lattice.

Nanoresearch kagome

Scientists have been interested in creating two-dimensional kagome lattice for useful theoretical electronic properties that may have such a structure.

“Theorists have long predicted that if you place the electrons in the electron lattice kagome, destructive interference will lead to the fact that electrons, instead of leaking through it will minimize swirl and close in the lattice. This is equivalent to getting into the maze, followed by no output”.

While the theoretical properties of e-lattices kagome made her a subject of interest for scientists, the establishment of such a material proved extremely difficult.

“In order for everything to work in accordance with the forecast, you need to ensure that the lattice constant and the length of the lattice is comparable to the wavelength of the electron, to exclude a variety of materials. Must be the type of material in which an electron can move only on the surface. And need to he was conducting. Not so many in the world possess such properties.”

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