On the moon will send a time capsule with information encoded in DNA

Repeatedly mankind has sent information about their civilization into space. Cost to recall famous gold-plated disc attached to the hull of Voyager, with a series of sound and video messages or records of spacecrafts “pioneer”. And so very soon there will be another launch of another such project: a group of researchers from the Foundation the AMF, together with Microsoft and Twist Bioscience will create an archive for the preservation of the information heritage of mankind, encode it in DNA and send it to the moon.

The mission should take place in 2020. In a capsule it is planned to put the lyrics of the best books written by people of Wikipedia articles on various topics, as well as nearly 10,000 digital photos. The latter is particularly interesting, because anyone can submit their photos for this project, just placing it in any of the social networks with the hashtag #MemoriesInDNA. In addition, this capsule will also be placed and instruction to decrypt the data.

The project was named “the Ark” and, reportedly, all information will be recorded on the Nickel plate, and encoded in the DNA. Writing data will take a California company Twist Bioscience. The authors of the project from the Fund AMF (Arch Mission Foundation) explain the purpose of their undertaking:

“The lunar capsule is only the beginning. We are inspired by the works of Isaac Asimov, who described a special “Galactic library” — a repository of data, dispersed in various corners of the cosmos. We want to do something similar. First, we want to send capsules to the moon and Mars, and then send them throughout the Solar system, to eventually to turn the entire milky Way in one big library with ability to save information for future generations or other civilizations.”

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On the moon will send a time capsule with information encoded in DNA
Vladimir Kuznetsov

