An experiment was initiated for modeling the first artificial quantum life

Modern computers give a lot of possibilities for simulation of different situations. However, any calculations will be somewhat “linear”, as they are subject to clearly defined algorithms, and can’t retreat. And this system does not allow to simulate complex mechanisms in which coincidence — it’s almost a permanent phenomenon. We are talking about life simulation. And what device would be able to afford to do this? A quantum computer! It was on one of these machines, IBM has launched the most ambitious project on simulation of quantum living.

According to the editorial Board of the journal Scientific Reports, the use of the quantum computer allows you to add unpredictability to an already existing algorithms that will allow us to more fully simulate complex processes.

“Simulation is no longer restricted to standard values, it can be random, as in real life. The aim of our study was the reproduction of the processes of evolution, adaptirovana to the language of quantum algorithms and computation.” — the authors work at the University of the Basque Country (Spain).

With the help of a quantum computer IBM QX4 researchers coded the properties of quantum living, consisting of 2 qubits. 1 is genotype (that is, the set of genes influencing the development of certain characteristics and transmitted and generation to generation). 2 is the phenotype (outward manifestation of the symptom, for example hair color). Further, these functions have been programmed, like all such algorithms of simulation of life, but with one difference: random changes have appeared with the help of quantum States.

“We’re not trying to prove whether the origin of life, quantum-mechanical in nature. We say that a quantum system can encrypt the signs, which change is correlated with such phenomena, observed under natural selection.”

Now, scientists are expanding the functionality of the algorithm to improve the capability of simulation. For example, the inclusion of gender aspects or social-behavioral responses.

What do you think, is it possible to simulate life or mankind is not capable of? Have your say in our chat in Telegram.

An experiment was initiated for modeling the first artificial quantum life
Vladimir Kuznetsov

