Birthday “grandmother” of modern Windows

July 27, 1993 released the first version of Windows NT — the “grandmother” of all modern Windows. Those of our readers who managed to get acquainted with computers in the last century, I remember another line of small Windows, including Windows 3.1, the legendary Windows 95, Windows 98, and finally, decorated under the influence of the Internet and Windows ME. In fact, it began as a superstructure over MS-DOS (which is probably in short it is best described as OS text command-line and the blue Norton Commander), and then acquired new functions, but has retained the architectural atavism, which affected the ability and reliability.

Windows NT 3.1
Windows NT 3.1

In the late 80s — 90s Microsoft and IBM worked on a large-scale upgrade of the operating system OS/2, but the success of Windows 3.0 brought a partner relationship disorder. IBM wanted Microsoft focused on OS/2, but Redmond secretly dropped everything and took the tie to a new version of the best of Windows including API — “language” by which programs communicate with the system. So there was Windows NT 3.1 is the version number decided to “sync” with the number of “normal” Windows 3.1.

Originally, NT was intended for servers, where he received a good recognition. However, in the beginning of this century, Microsoft released the Windows NT-Windows 2000 — for everyone, including home users (although it also had the server version). A year later, after a series of “frills” and add purely custom feature that appeared in Windows XP, the popularity and vitality of which was for Microsoft a huge problem. Well, Windows 8 is Windows NT 6.2.

And 12 years before that, on July 27 1981, Microsoft bought the operating system 86-DOS. Developed the company Seattle Computer Products installed OS on the computers of its own production, and the first time the system was called QDOS — Quick and dirty operating system, that is “Quick and dirty operating system”.

CP/M, клоном которой была 86-DOS
CP/M clone which was 86-DOS

Microsoft has renamed the development to MS-DOS. Under this name the OS got crazy popular and has become the standard for personal computers in a decade and a half — until then, until it was superseded by Windows. In 2014 Microsoft released the source code for MS-DOS 1.25. However, now it can be useful except for educational purposes.

On 27 July 2006, Intel introduced the dual core processors Core 2 Duo. The new chips have become a serious breakthrough as far ahead of his predecessors in the performance by tens of percent and much less warm. Different CPU models worked on regular frequencies from 1.86 GHz to 2.67 GHz and a good overclock in the capable hands of enthusiasts. For example, versions of the E6600 and E6700 stable work even at 6.1 GHz (with liquid nitrogen cooling).

Intel Core 2 Duo
Intel Core 2 Duo

